Innovative DEX TIDEFI, Unveils Their Mainnet, DEX App, and TDFY Sunrise Pool Token Distribution : altcoin

Innovative DEX TIDEFI, Unveils Their Mainnet, DEX App, and TDFY Sunrise Pool Token Distribution : altcoin


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Anyone check this out? I haven’t heard of many good DEX’s lately after the recent decline in Crypto but imo TIDEFI has a great UI and seems pretty straightforward. Has a bunch of solid trading pairs and super easy to use.

Based on what I understand, they use a limit order book for their system and they also provide unique tokenized assets that can’t be purchased elsewhere.

I checked it out and so far so good. Pretty sure they announced their token $TDFY and the unique part about it is they aren’t selling it through an ICO or presale, you can just participate and earn the chance to receive some $TDFY.

Thought this subreddit may be interested so I decided to post, let me know what you guys think! Coinmarketcap has mentioned them as well.


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