‘Market Ledger’ an All-inclusive Crypto Investment Platform will Disrupt the Blockchain Space ⚡️Powered By MoonX

‘Market Ledger’ an All-inclusive Crypto Investment Platform will Disrupt the Blockchain Space ⚡️Powered By MoonX


Daily Voice Chats

20 Dedicated Legendary Team Members

Project in Development Phase

Auto and Manual BuyBack and Burns

Contract built by legendary dev Rainhard

Contests and Giveaways

Listed on CMC and CG

Poocoin Ads Up

Banner ads on 100+ websites including BSScan, CMC & CG

Influencer Shoutouts

Development Preview

Listed on LBank

Easy 100x from here.

MoonX is a hyper deflationary Utility Token that will revitalize the BSC space and bring the crypto community together on this unified mission to the moon. It will be the native currency on Market Ledger aiding activities such as, but not limited to: a charting platform, Decentralized Exchange, IDO launchpad, NFT minting, token bridge, escrow services, visa merchant services plus more!

Our mission is to provide true value through utility and scarcity.

MoonX will be the next Top 100 coin on Coinmarketcap.

The contract Dev Rainhard developed 6 other projects. Current projects such as LuckyPig and BurningMoon. This project is a collaboration of BurningMoon and MoonX. The strength of these two projects will take them to the next level.

Remember, Our supply will always decrease! YOU ARE THE DEMAND.

For further details join our Telegram Community! https://t.me/MoonXOfficial

Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moonx/

Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/moonx


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