💠 Logo now shows on trust Wallet 🔰 Team KYCed 🔰 Experienced & professional team 🔰 Tokens Locked for 5years 🔰 Hyper-deflationary 🔰 Anti-Whale mechanisms in place 🔰 Tradeable on Pancakeswap WealthSecrets is blockchain’s first social betting platform for betpreneurs around the globe. This will give betpreneurs an extra edge in the world of betting. We allow access to different odds slips, sell likely winnable odds, P2P betting and the creation of your bet event with our WSC token. Also, we create an environment conducive to play different exciting NFT and VR games and have access to different profitable investment products by suggestions of the WSC AI. Other products like Mentors World and WSC Metaverse are additional exciting reasons why you should hop onboard this project
WealthSecrets has partnered with brands such as IBMZ, Swiss Cognitive (The Global AI Hub), Asia Blockcast Community (Blockcast.cc), Rumii VR, Classroom Without Walls, Washigton Elites and Digital Week Online for events and discussions on technology and wealth creation.
We’ll be launching our social media app for sports and betting today
On app; ✅ earn by sharing your bet slips with friends ✅ Earn by betting using likely winnable bet slips ✅ Earn from referrals ✅ Earn from P2P bets
Audited by techrate and certik Certik: https://www.certik.com/projects/wealthsecrets
Featured on Yahoo finance, Market Watch, Seeking Alpha, Market Insider, Benzinga, Fox8 etc
New website up and will have online shop, Predict and win
25 percent of total supply of WSC tokens burned 🔥 worth approximately $957,00.00usd t.me/wealthsecretsofficial
Yahoo Finance:
For Coinbase – enter “Search WealthSecrets on Coinbase”
WealthSecrets ⚜ Listed on CMC, CGC, CoinDiscovery, Coinstats among many others ⚜ Price tracked by the big boys (Binance, Coinbase etc) ⚜ 2nd Burn Event Concluded ⚜ Audited by Certik and Techrate ⚜ Logo showing in Trust wallet ⚜ Over 200+ winners in community activities / events and challenges ⚜ Locked & growing Liquidity as a result of tokenomics (WealthConomics) ⚜ Reflection for holders ⚜ Anti Dump and Anti Whale Measures ⚜ Tradeable on Pancakeswap and Poocoin
WealthSecrets – Creating Wealth through Innovation and Technology.
Our Project Contract Address is – 0xB7DAcf54a54bFea818F21472d3E71a89287841A7 and you can purchase WSC tokens on Pancakeswap . Find out more by visiting our Website – https://www.wealthsecrets.io/ and social pages – https://linktr.ee/WealthSecrets_WSC
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