With the development of Cryptocurrencies, digital assets, NFTs, people really what to know what is the Future of money, if you say Crypto, no one loves the volatility that comes with that, how about stablecoin or maybe NFTs🤔……. The fact remains that we would be missing out if we marginalize Crypto-related projects trying to solve threatening problem because of volatility. Take for instance, SECRET NETWORK considering the fact that all transactions done in Blockchain can be view even without the owners permission came up with Customizable privacy, now the owner choose whom he/she shares his transactions with. Developers has also taking that advantage to build on Secret Network, Creating SHADE PROTOCOL, which is an array of connected Privacy-Preserving DeFi applications, one of such application is SILK, Silk is the first ever privacy-preserving and smart contract interoperable stablecoin in blockchain. Now back to our questions, what do you think is the Future of money? Please go through this Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46sJgiLj6MM I’ll appreciate your comments https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/shade-protocol/
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